February 2022

February 2022

Artist Credit: Danielle Coke | Wall Art | Instagram



“I know that the way to create the world we want, and the one we owe those who come after us, is only something that can be achieved in community.”

February 2022

Dear friends,

As we celebrate Black history – this month and always – and make plans for the spring, we’ve been thinking a lot about the power of community. As the two of us look back on our most impactful work and our seasons of greatest growth, the common denominator is community. Whether we’re making difficult decisions, designing learning experiences, or building our own capacity for change, we know we’re at our best when we do that in community with others.

This month we’re inviting you to reflect on what you’ve built – and are in the process of building – in community with others. In what ways have you called on community to take a risk or learn something new or make a dream a reality?

One way that we’ve experienced the power of community over the past year and a half is through the design and facilitation of the White Leaders Working on Antiracism (WLWA) series. In the summer of 2020, we were deep in conversation with our friends and colleagues Michelle Hernandez and Amber Mackay at Leading Elephants about how we could hold space for white leaders to do necessary internal work around antiracism. With advisory support and thought partnership from Lesley Brown Rawlings at Beloved Community, we worked together to create the WLWA series, a white affinity space for leaders who want to take more meaningful action to disrupt oppressive systems in their workplaces and beyond.

The sense of community we experienced in designing this program deepened and multiplied as we built community within each of our five WLWA cohorts. If you are a white leader or you know a white leader who is seeking to deepen their lived commitment to antiracism in community with others, please read more about the program below and consider registering for our March 2022 cohort.

Join us!

Collective Conversation: What does building community mean to you in this season?

February 22nd 11 AM EST – Our Collective Conversations are a monthly opportunity to learn and reflect in community with others. This month we’ll be discussing how we’re building – or seeking to build – community in our lives. We invite you to pause, grab a mug of coffee or tea, and join us for this informal conversation about the power of community. The registration link is below.

White Leaders Working on Antiracism March Cohort

White Leaders Working on Antiracism is a dedicated space for reflection, learning, and practice for white leaders who aspire to lead with equity. Through this four part series, white leaders engage in the internal work of rigorously reflecting on their impact as well as the external work of engaging responsibly and thoughtfully on issues of race and equity. Learning, reflecting, and practicing in community with other leaders can be transformative.

You can register for our March 2022 cohort below, and reach out to us with any questions.

Tide Risers Spring Cohort

There’s still time to join the spring cohort of Tide Risers, where Marion will be a facilitator. Learn more about this intentional community for women in our partner spotlight below!

Partner Spotlight

A community we love to be part of and to partner with is Tide Risers, an international community of women who come together to learn and grow while supporting each other. Marion had a blast doing her first Instagram Live chat with Lara Holliday, founder of Tide Risers, last week. In this chat they talk about the power of community to help you get unstuck and be your best self. Check out their reflections about coaching, abundance, authenticity and more here!

To learn more and get a taste of the Tide Risers community, you’re invited to a free, virtual recruitment salon, Welcoming Abundance as You Embrace Your Strengths, with Tide Risers Heather McDanel and Olympia Trumbower on Tuesday, February 15th at 1 pm EST. In this session you’ll reflect on how you can embrace your strengths while also learning how joining the Tide Risers Flagship Program this spring can help you live more fully into them. You can register here.

What We’re Reading and Listening To

28 Days of Black History from Anti-Racism Daily

Subscribe (and donate!) to Anti-Racism Daily and receive this daily email series to celebrate Black History Month.

The Body Is Not An Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love

We love listening to and learning from Sonya Renee Taylor about the power of radical self-love to transform us as individuals and to dismantle the unjust systems that hold us back.


We’re deeply grateful for community in all its forms this month – including the community of colleagues and friends who are reading this newsletter right now!

Keep shining,

Marion and Miwa

December 2021

December 2021

Morgan Harper Nichols, Artist and Writer | Website | Instagram

December 2021

Dear friends,

As we write this, we’re knocking on the door of a new calendar year. It’s a season of “Best of 2021” lists, and invitations to reflect on the past twelve months. Doing that kind of reflection may feel difficult right now. How do we put together a highlight reel when a year and half of pandemic life feels like a giant blur? How do we resist the urge to focus on what hasn’t been able to happen – what’s been canceled, what’s been limited, what we haven’t had the energy to do?

We invite you to take one small step before the new year begins. Take a moment to think about what has happened and what you have had the energy to do over the past year. If it’s helpful, scroll through the pictures on your phone or glance over a few months in your calendar and remind yourself of moments of growth, perseverance, and joy. In a world of constraints and exhaustion and uncertainty, you still made things happen.

We paused to think about ways we’ve grown and joys we’ve experienced this year. Here’s a peek at some of the things on our list:

  • Miwa walked more miles and met more amazing neighbors than ever before after her family adopted their wonder dog, Jax

  • Marion celebrated her big milestone birthday with three amazing trips – each with a different group of family or life friends, reminding her of what’s most important in life

  • With the encouragement of her sons, Miwa managed her fear of heights and made it through an intermediate ropes course

  • Marion, in partnership with women in her amazing community, revived the multi-racial women’s group she co-founded that had been on hiatus during the pandemic

  • Together, we made the leap to start our joint venture as we leaned into an intentional, joyful work partnership

It’s nourishing to recognize the light we’ve created in our own small ways. We hope you can take some time this winter break to do the same!

Join us!

Collective Conversation: Find Your 3-Word Mantra in 2022


January 25th 11 AM EST – Collective Conversations is a monthly opportunity to learn and reflect in community with others. What three words describe how you want to feel as you move through 2022? We invite you to pause, grab a mug of coffee or tea, and join us for an informal conversation about the intentions we’re carrying with us as we begin a new year.

Leadership Coaching

We’ve built space to take on new coaching clients into our winter and spring planning. Email us at [email protected] if you’d like to explore a coaching engagement in the new year.

Tide Risers Spring 2022 Cohort

Tide Risers is a deliberate, international community of women who come together to learn and grow while supporting each other. Marion will be back as a facilitator in the spring program. Learn how you can be part of this cohort by clicking the link below.

Partner Spotlight

We’re excited to shout out a featured partner in our Illuminate Collective community in every newsletter. This month we’re highlighting Alli Myatt and Courtney Tungate, co-founders of The Equity Practice and experienced non-profit leaders. Alli and Courtney work with organizations to create new ways of operating to make equity work. They offer a range of coaching and consulting services as well as courses and fellowships, including Anti-Bias in Hiring and #The PracticeofEquity Manager Series.

What We’re Reading and Listening To

We’re excited to dive into these books and resources this summer as we navigate transitions and move through change.

How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community by Mia Birdsong

We love this book by writer and activist Mia Birdsong. Her reflections on building community through vulnerability, accountability, and connection are an inspiring winter read.

Your Body is Your Brain by Amanda Blake

Many of our coaching clients have heard us talk about tapping into ALL of our body’s intelligences through somatic practices. We learned this from Amanda Blake as students in the Neuroscience of Change class by Coaches Rising. Learn more about this science and practices in this book.


This month we’re grateful for the promise of rest and time with family in the coming weeks. And, as always, we’re grateful to all of you for being part of this community. We’re wishing you much light, peace and rest over the holidays and winter break. See you in 2022!

Keep shining,

Marion and Miwa

November 2021

November 2021

“We are showered every day with gifts, but they are not meant for us to keep. Their life is in their movement, the inhale and the exhale of our shared breath. Our work and our joy is to pass along the gift and to trust that what we put out into the universe will always come back.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

November 2021

Dear friends,

We’re one month into our work together as Illuminate Collective and excited to be back in touch!

Chances are good that as you’re reading this, you’re feeling exhausted. If that’s true for you, you’re not alone. We’ve had many conversations with our clients over the past month about the uncertainty and heaviness that we’re all carrying. We’ve started a new season and a new school year while continuing to navigate the challenges of the pandemic at home and at work. When we’re exhausted and uncertain, we can quickly move to a place of scarcity and fear, driven by the pull of “not enough” – not enough time, not enough capacity, not enough resources.

What we’re learning is that an answer to this is abundance – trusting that there is enough within us and within the communities we’ve built to collectively carry us through. We believe that abundance shows up in relationship and connection – the ways that we support each other and trust in our own gifts and the gifts of the collective.

Abundance is core to who we are and how we operate at Illuminate Collective. We recently had the opportunity to share how we intentionally built abundance into our business during our session at the Tide Risers Annual Summit in October.

In this session, we shared our “5 S’s for Creating an Abundant Business”:

  • Space: Create space for our relationships and our whole lives

  • Share: Build trust through sharing honestly and transparently

  • Stand Side by Side: Work side by side as equal partners in the work, as opposed to over/under

  • Shine: Live in the “we” of Shine Theory, created by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman, authors of Big Friendship. We don’t shine unless both of us and our colleagues shine.

  • Slow Down to Speed Up: Take time to brainstorm, plan and reflect together

We’re also excited to hear from you. What does abundance look like in your life and work? What could be true if you leaned into abundance as we close out 2021?

Come chat about this with us in our first Collective Conversation on Tuesday, November 23rd. See below for details and to register, and invite a friend or colleague to join you!

Join us!

Collective Conversation: Abundance

November 23rd 11 AM – Join us for informal conversation in community with others. We’ll share our Abundance Principles and create space to reflect on how we’re each living into abundance as we close out 2021.

Leadership Coaching

We’re planning for 2022 and have capacity to take on new coaching clients this winter. Email us at [email protected] if you’d like to create space for you and your leadership development in the new year.

Partner Spotlight

We’re excited to shout out a featured partner in our Illuminate Collective community in every newsletter. This month we’re highlighting Sharma and Corey Graham, co-founders of M.A.D.E. to Lead and co-hosts of The Courageous Personal Leadership Podcast. Sharma was our teammate at Teach For America and has been a great friend, cheerleader and partner to us since we started our coaching businesses in 2015.

Sharma and Corey are also the creators of themadebox, a quarterly subscription box to support professional learning and growth. If you’d like to start the new year with a set of curated leadership resources, you can place an order for the January themadebox anytime before January 15th. This is a perfect holiday gift for your favorite leader!

What We’re Reading & Listening To

Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome

In this HBR article, Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey urge leaders to focus on “fixing bias, not women” by addressing systemic racism and building more inclusive cultures where women of color can thrive. Bonus: Listen to Jodi-Ann and Ruchika on Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead Podcast.

Braiding Sweetgrass

This book by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a renowned botanist and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, reflects on our relationship with the natural world and the lessons it can teach us.


This month we’re grateful for the community we’re building in our Fall 2021 White Leaders Working on Antiracism cohort. We’re humbled and inspired by the openness and vulnerability that our participants bring to this important work.

And, as always, we’re grateful to all of you for being part of this community.

Keep shining,

Marion and Miwa